Friday, January 10, 2014

New Year, New You

As we kick off a new year, many people find themselves making resolutions for the year. There are a multitude of resolutions that people make each year. A few of the most popular ones often seem to involve nutrition to some capacity. People make resolutions to simply become healthier, while some are determined to lose weight and inches (especially since once the new year hits, swimsuit season all of a sudden seems right around the corner). Some might even being interested in bulking up (putting on more muscle mass). It is apparent that nutrition plays a role in these New Year's resolutions. If any of your New Year's resolutions are similar to the resolutions mentioned, I am here to help! I can help you with meal planning, nutrition counseling, and how to go about setting healthy goals and taking steps to achieve those goals. Sometimes people start off strong with their New Year's resolutions, but then down the road they may lose interest or hit a plateau. If that happens to you, I can help you stay on track. Feel free to reach out to me at anytime through the course of the new year. You can contact me by email at

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